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Radiologic Technology

The Components of APA References

Reference Example

APA Basics - Formatting Your Paper

APA Basics

  • Required font: 12-point Times New Roman.
  • Double-space entire paper: When starting, be sure to change the whole document (including references page) from default spacing to double-spaced (select styles > “no spacing” > CTRL+2).
  • Use one-inch margins all around.
  • Create a centered title page with the pertinent course information: specific assignment, your name, date submitted.
    See example: "Title page formatting" (scroll to bottom of screen)
  • The paper itself begins on the second page, with no heading other than a bolded title.
  • Use one-tab indented paragraphs throughout paper.
  • Completed papers require an introductory paragraph, supporting paragraphs for the body, and a concluding paragraph.
  • References page must be in alphabetical order with a “hanging indent.” Note: Spacing, capitalization, and italics matter! 
    See example: "Sample References page" (scroll to bottom of screen)
  • Visit the Purdue University OWL Online Writing Lab for more information on APA citations.

Citing Websites

Webpages without a Publication Date

American Society of Radiologic Technologists. (n.d.). ASRT Museum and Archives: Trace the progress of radiologic technology.

Author, A. A. or Organization Name. (n.d.). Title of webpage. Website Name. Link.

- Omit "website name" when same as author.

- (n.d.) = no date

Webpages with Individual Author(s)

Smith, N. (2022). Osteogenesis imperfecta. Beth Israel Lahey Health.

Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Date). Title of webpage. Website Name. Link.

Webpages with Organization or Group as Author

Centers of Disease Control and Prevention. (2020, March 9). Pneumonia: An infection of the lungs

Name of Group/Organization/Company. (Date). Title of webpage. Website Name. Link. 

- Omit "website name" when same as author (as in this example).

In-Text Citations

In-text citations refer the reader to your References list, leading them to detailed information on your sources.

An in-text citation will immediately follow any cited material - whether the information is paraphrased in your own words, or directly quoted - and it consists of the author's last name, the year, and specific page number(s). 

  • Paraphrased and "direct quote" in-text citations look like this: 
    (Clark, 2022, pp. 12-14) ... or, for a single page: (Clark, 2022, p. 12)

  • If there is no date, then ‘n.d.’ will be used instead of the year: 
    (Clark, n.d., pp. 12-14)

Regarding page numbers: Although APA only requires page numbers for direct quotations, you may also opt to include them when referencing paraphrased information, if desired.