Webpages without a Publication Date
American Society of Radiologic Technologists. (n.d.). ASRT Museum and Archives: Trace the progress of radiologic technology. https://www.asrt.org/main/about-asrt/museum-and-archives
Author, A. A. or Organization Name. (n.d.). Title of webpage. Website Name. Link.
- Omit "website name" when same as author.
- (n.d.) = no date
Webpages with Individual Author(s)
Smith, N. (2022). Osteogenesis imperfecta. Beth Israel Lahey Health. https://www.lahey.org/lhmc/department/orthopaedic-surgery/orthopedic-surgery-conditions-we-treat/osteogenesis-imperfecta/
Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Date). Title of webpage. Website Name. Link.
Webpages with Organization or Group as Author
Centers of Disease Control and Prevention. (2020, March 9). Pneumonia: An infection of the lungs. https://www.cdc.gov/pneumonia/
Name of Group/Organization/Company. (Date). Title of webpage. Website Name. Link.
- Omit "website name" when same as author (as in this example).
In-text citations refer the reader to your References list, leading them to detailed information on your sources.
An in-text citation will immediately follow any cited material - whether the information is paraphrased in your own words, or directly quoted - and it consists of the author's last name, the year, and specific page number(s).
Regarding page numbers: Although APA only requires page numbers for direct quotations, you may also opt to include them when referencing paraphrased information, if desired.