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Advising Center

Academic Support: Math

Use the link below to schedule a one-on-one session to get support. Additional course help coming soon.

MAT 111 Support MAT 114 Support MAT 117 Support

Drop-In Math Support:

Please see the schedule below and drop in to meet with a peer tutor to join to gain some assistance with your math course.

Current Schedule for 1/15-5/7:
Note: the drop-in hours are closed when the campus is closed. View the Academic Calendar or visit here.

Location Day/Time
Fairfield Campus, Lunder Hall room 115

Mondays, 2pm-4pm

Tuesday, 11:30am-1:30pm

Virtual via Zoom - Wednesdays, 4pm-6pm


Not sure what math support you need but what to speak with someone? Please contact the Math Department Chair, Scott Ballard by emailing or by calling 207-453-5185.

Math Anxiety

Math Resources

What is MyOpenMath? Often used within your math courses, this online platform also offers self-study open courses to help students practice their math skills. Check out the video below for a brief overview of the self-study courses, but also be sure to check out the overview videos embedded in your course to learn how to access your required MyOpenMath course assignments.