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Lunder Student Success Academic Support: Accessibility Services and Disability Support

Accessibility Services (Formally Disability Services)

Accessibility Services at KVCC: 

(Formally Disability Services)

In accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, which prohibit discrimination based on disability, KVCC is committed to providing equal access to academic programs and college-sponsored activities and reasonable accommodations to students with documented disabilities. It is the responsibility of a current or prospective student with a disability to identify himself/herself as having a disability and formally request accommodations.

STEP 1: The first step in this process is to submit current documentation of your disability. For more specific information on documentation guidelines, please see guidelines in “Documentation” Section of brochure here) or the "Documentation" tab. Applicants and current students may mail or email documentation along with what accommodations are being requested to:

Kennebec Valley Community College

Accessibility Services

92 Western Ave, Fairfield, ME 04937


Office Phone: (207) 453-5019

STEP 2: Meet with Accessibility Services and request accommodations as outlined and recommended in your documentation. 

STEP3: Deliver Accommodation Letter to faculty 

Learn More about ADA and Section 504:


Documentation must meet the following criteria:

•Be written by a qualified practitioner;

•Be current- in most cases three years;

•State a specific diagnosis;

•Include diagnostic methodology, diagnostic criteria, evaluation methods, testing dates and results;

•Be on a letterhead and signed by the professional submitting the report;

•Explain the impact the disability may have on the student’s academic and vocational environment, and;

•Provide a description of any accommodation and/or auxiliary aid used in the past.

The laws applicable to disability accommodations in the college/university setting are different from those in K - 12. IEPs and 504 plans are welcome in addition to evaluation information.   


This guidance is designed to help both students and instructors understand the reach and limits of disability-related accommodations in the classroom and related academic settings. Please note that the details of how some accommodations are to be implemented may vary depending upon whether the setting is a classroom lecture, a laboratory exercise, or an off-campus clinical placement. Accordingly, any student or instructor who requires further explanations or guidance should contact Accessibility Services at at their earliest convenience.  

Absence from Class

The authorization to miss certain classes means the following.  Students are generally expected to attend at least 90% of classes for each course, therefore, authorization to be absent for more than 10% of classes is limited only to those absences required by the student's recognized disability. The student must make every effort to maintain regular attendance and attend classes with scheduled tests. Deadlines for tests and other assignments missed because of such absences shall be reasonably extended, and a student who is absent for disability-related reasons remains responsible for fulfilling all course requirements.

Limited Breaks during Class

The authorization to take breaks from class means the following. The student may leave class only when necessitated by their disability, and only when an essential part of the class is not occurring. The student must leave and return in a manner that is quiet and not disruptive to the class. The student should be out of class for only the briefest possible time, and after class is responsible for obtaining any information that the student missed while out. The student should first attempt to get the missed information from another student and, if unsuccessful, then from the instructor. Typically, a student should expect to take not more than one such break per class. Students must not use such breaks as an excuse to avoid class or lab tasks that the student regards as undesirable. Students who appear to an instructor to exceed or abuse the purpose of this accommodation should be referred to the dean of students for review and any appropriate corrective action.

Note Taking

This authorization means that the student may access the in-class notes of a fellow student or the lectures notes, if any, of the instructor, consistent with the College's note taking guidance and arrangements for copies of such notes shall be made in advance by the student, working with the instructor, to promote common understandings and consistent access. Copies of the College's Guidelines for Provision of Student Note Takers and information brochure A Guide for Student Note Takers are available from Disability Services. 

Audio and/or Video Recording

The authorization to record the audio or video of an activity, such as a lecture, includes the use of a recorder. Such use must be pre-arranged with the instructor. The recording may 1) only be used by that student for that student's educational purposes, and 2) not be rebroadcast to any others in any way without the prior written approval of the College's Dean of Students or Academic Dean.

Additional Time

This accommodation has different applications in different settings.  Additional time is given for those graded assessments (such as tests, quizzes or other like exercises) and ungraded activities (other various in-class exercises) when time is not an essential element of the task being assessed.  For many exercises, time is less an essential element of the task being assessed and more a matter of class-time management.  But where time is an essential element for a particular activity, additional time need not given.  For example, time is an essential element of performing CPR, catheterizing a cat, boiling chemicals and other laboratory functions, so extended time is not necessarily reasonable.  The following guidance provides addition information regarding commonly recurring contexts.

For In-Class Assessments (Tests, Quizzes and Other Exercises) that are Timed and Graded

The authorization to have additional time on tests applies only to timed assessments. For example, a test that occupies a 45-minute class period would be given over a 65-minute period, and the additional 20 minutes would typically either be provided immediately after the class, or the full 65 minutes would be provided at the Learning Commons testing room  The instructor must give the Learning Commons a copy of the test and routing slip and will administer the test for the time allotted.

For Take-Home Assessments

The authorization to have additional time on assessments does not apply to take home exercises because such tests are not regarded as “timed” tests. For example, a test handed out on a Friday and due back on a Monday is due Monday for the accommodated student as well.

For Other In-Class Exercises

For in-class tasks where time is less an essential element of the task being assessed and more a matter of class-time management, reasonable time increases are to be given. Sometimes this means staying after class to complete the task or following through after class to show the completed task. 

Distraction Free or Reduced Distraction Environment

The authorization to have certain tasks performed in quiet conditions typically means that the student may take a test in the learning commons where extraneous distractions are often more limited. As regards in-class exercises this authorization requires the instructor to limit to the extent practicable those distractions that are made by the class during the exercise.

Materials Translated to an Alternative Format

This accommodation varies depending upon the disability and the communication context. 

Converting Paper to Digital

The authorization to receive written handouts and classroom materials in an accessible electronic format means the use of assistive technology that records and translates the written information into a digital format. This includes, for example, technology that scans and magnifies text.

Translating Text to Speech

The authorization to have written materials read aloud includes the following. First, the materials may be read aloud by the instructor or other authorized person. Second, they may be read aloud by an electronic reader.

Translating Speech to Text

The authorization to receive information that was originally delivered orally translated into written text includes, for example, technology that records audio, converts speech to text (such as Dragon Dictation software or "smart pens"), or provides real-time transcription (such as CART services as an alternative to an interpreter).

Use of a Calculator

This authorization means that the student may use a calculator during an exercise or assessment unless calculation is the essential function being evaluated.

Use of a Multiplication Chart

This authorization means that the student may use a multiplication chart during an exercise or assessment unless multiplication is the essential function being evaluated.

Preferred Seating

This authorization means that the student may sit in class in the location that best suits the student's visual, listening or other learning needs.






  • High school is mandatory and free (unless you choose other options)
  • College is voluntary and expensive
  • Your time is usually structured by others
  • You manage your own time
  • You need permission to participate in extracurricular activities
  • You must decide whether to participate in extracurricular activities. (hint: Choose wisely in the first semester and then add later)
  • You need money for special purchases or events
  • You need money to meet basic necessities
  • You can count on parents and teachers to remind you of your responsibilities and to guide you in setting priorities
  • You will be faced with a large number of moral and ethical decisions you have not had to face previously. You must balance your responsibilities and set priorities
  • Guiding principle: You will usually be told what your responsibilities are and corrected if your behavior is out of line
  • Guiding Principle: Your old enough to take responsibility for what you do and don’t do, as well as for the consequences of your decisions



  • Each day you proceed from one class to directly to another
  • You often have hours between classes, class times vary throughout the day
  • You spend 6 hours each day – 30 hours a week in class
  • You spend 12 – 16 hours each week in class
  • The school year is 36 weeks long - some classes extend over both semesters and some do not
  • The academic year is divided into two separated 15 week semesters, plus a week after each semester for exams
  • Most of your classes are arranged for you
  • You arrange your own schedule in consultation with your academic advisor. Schedules tend to look lighter than they really are
  • Teachers carefully monitor class attendance
  • Professors may not formally take roll but they are still likely to know whether or not you attended
  • Classes generally have no more than 35 students
  • Classes may number 100 students or more
  • You are provided with textbook at little or no expense
  • You need to budge substantial funds for textbooks, which will usually cost more than $200 each semester
  • You are not responsible for knowing what it takes to graduate
  • Graduation requirements are complex and differ for different majors and sometimes for different years. You are expected to know those that apply to you.



  • Teachers check your completed homework
  • Professors may not always check completed homework but they will assume you can perform the same tasks on tests
  • Teachers remind you of your incomplete work
  • Professors may not remind you of incomplete work
  • Teachers approach you if they believe you need assistance
  • Professors are usually open and helpful but most expect you to initiate contact if you need assistance
  • Teachers often are available for conversation before, during and after class
  • Professors want you to attend their scheduled office hours
  • Teachers have been trained in teaching methods to assist in imparting knowledge to students
  • Professors have been trained as experts in their particular areas of research
  • Teachers provide you with information you missed when you were absent
  • Professors expect you to get from classmates any notes from classes you missed
  • Teachers present material to help you understand the material in the textbook
  • Professors may not follow the textbook. Instead, to amplify the text they may give illustrations, provide background information, or discuss research about the topic you are studying. Or, they may expect YOU to related the classes to the textbook readings
  • Teachers often write information on the board to be copied in your notes
  • Professors may lecture nonstop, expecting you to identify the important points in your notes. When professors write on the board it may be to amplify the lecture, not to summarize it. Good notes are a must.
  • Teachers impart knowledge and facts, sometimes drawing direct connections and leading you through the thinking process
  • Professors expect you to think about and synthesize seemingly unrelated topics
  • Teachers often take time to remind you of assignments and due dates
  • Professors expect you to read, save, and consult the course syllabus (outline). The syllabus spells out exactly what is expected of you, when it is due and how you will be graded



  • You may study outside of class as little as 0 to 2 hours a week, and this may be mostly last minute test preparation
  • You need to study at least 2 to 3 hours outside of class for each hour in class
  • You often need to read or hear presentations only once to learn all you need to learn about them
  • You need to review class notes and text material regularly
  • You are expected to read short assignments that are then discussed and often re-taught in class
  • You are assigned substantial amounts of reading and writing which may not be directly addressed in class
  • Guiding Principle: You will usually be told in class what you needed to learn from assigned readings
  • Guiding Principle: It’s up to you to read and understand the assigned material – lectures and assignments proceed from the assumption that you’ve already done so




  • Testing is frequent and covers small amounts of material
  • Testing in usually infrequent and may be cumulative, covering large amounts of material. You, not the professor, need to organize the material to prepare for the test. A particular course may have only two or three tests in a semester
  • Make up tests are often available
  • Make up tests are seldom an option – if they are you need to request them
  • Teachers frequently rearrange test dates to avoid conflict with school events
  • Professors in different courses usually schedule tests with or without regard to the demands of other courses or outside activities
  • Teachers frequently conduct review sessions, pointing out the most important concepts
  • Professors rarely offer review sessions and when they do they expect you to be an active participant, one who comes prepared questions
  • Mastery is often seen as the ability to reproduce what you were taught in the form in which it was presented to you or to solve the kinds of problems you were shown how to solve
  • Mastery is often seen as the ability to apply what you’ve learned to new situations or to solve new kinds of problems



  • Grades are given for most assigned work
  • Grades may not be provided for all assigned work
  • Consistently good homework grades my help raise your overall grade when test scores are low
  • Grades on tests and major papers usually provide most of the course grade
  • Extra credit projects are often available to help you raise your grade
  • Extra credit projects cannot, generally speaking, be used to raise a grade in a college course
  • Initial test grades, especially if they are low, may not have an effect on your final grade
  • Watch out for first tests. These are usually wake up calls to let you know what is expected – but they may also account for a substantial part of your course grade. You may be shocked when you get your grades. If you received notice of low grades on either an Early Term or a Mid-Semester Progress Report, see your academic advisor or visit the Learning Assistance Center
  • You may graduate as long as you have passed all required courses with a grade of D or higher
  • You may only graduate if your average in classes meets the departmental standard – typically a 2.0 or a C
  • Guiding Principle: “Effort Counts” Courses are usually structured to reward a “good faith effort”
  • Guiding Principle: “Results count” though a “good faith effort” is important in regard to the professor’s willingness to help you achieve good results, it will not substitute for results in the grading process.