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Social Sciences and Psychology

PSY 230 - Personality

About this Class

This course examines the chief approaches to the study of personality including the history of personality theory, major personality theories, and critical contemporary issues in personality. Assessment techniques and research methods is also covered.

  1. Outline the precepts of major theoretical approaches to personality.
  2. Demonstrate the use of a variety of personality assessments.
  3. Apply knowledge of major theories, concepts, perspectives, and empirical findings in personality psychology to explain behavior.
  4. Identify specific research methodologies utilized in the study of personality.
  5. Demonstrate critical thinking through a comparative analysis of a variety of theories of personality.
  6. Identify individual and sociocultural differences as applied to psychology of adjustment.
  7. Complete personality scales and apply these results to an analysis on one’s own personality.
  8. Complete personality scales and apply these results to an analysis of the personality of others.
  9. Develop and implement a systemic personality enhancement action plan.

The special assignment in this course is a comprehensive and guided autoethnography.  Students are expected to analyze both the psychological and social aspects of their own personalities.